
Olinda Pool Update # 12

Hi all, well decision day is close! Finally we will get a "clear" direction either way. Some of you would now be aware of the officer's recommendation for the Olinda Pool. 

  1. The Olinda Pool is permanently closed with the pool structure, buildings and facilities demolished and removed in early 2015.
  2. The community is provided with the opportunity to capture and record the Olinda Pool’s history, use and social value.
  3. Options 4, 5 and 6 of the report for the future use of the site incorporating a playground and other features be explored through a design and community engagement process.
  4. A further report be referred to Council following the design and engagement process to consider the preferred option and funding requirements.
page5image20752 page5image21336I will be putting up an alternate motion which will ask that the pool be reopened. 

I'm sure the gallery will be full on the 11th, I would respectfully ask all those who are attending to respect each others points of view. Councillors are fully aware of how passionate the hills community are about this pool. 


  1. Great stuff Jason!

  2. Thanks Jason.
    Reading the attachments to the agenda for 11 November it seems that the overwhelming majority of the submissions and the survey are in favour of reopening the pool.
    It is great to see a councillor who is listening to the community and willing to represent them in council.

  3. Do it for the kids. They have very little up here.I would love to see whoever wants the pool closed to come up and tell the kids themselves.
    Well done Cr Callanan, I hope the other councillors are listening to you.

  4. Thanks, Jason. Reading through the submissions, most of them identify the fact that there is nothing up here for teenagers other than the pool.

    This isn't about the history of the pool, it's about the present and future. Artworks commemorating the glory days of the 1970s will mean nothing to today's teens (or to me as a relatively recent migrant). Thank you for listenign to us on this issue.

  5. This has been a most encouraging last few weeks, and restores one's faith in basic democratic processes. Thanks Jason.

    Tim M

  6. Don't let it go. Our services to this area shall not be diminished. It will be a great and vibrant space for all ages when the water hole is restored. Please ensure that the other councillors are aware of the needs of this community. Thank you. Gilly

  7. I'll get excited once it is confirmed the pool will be re-opened but this is encouraging. I haven't been happy with the council process and certainly unhappy with their recommendation of closing the pool, but I applaud you Jason and the fellow councillors who are supporting the Pool and understanding the Hills community and standing up for it. Thanks

    John M


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