Olinda Pool Update #1

Hi all, as we all know the Olinda pool is not in good shape. Council officers during their routine inspections found significant cracks throughout the pool shell. Cracks were so significant it was recommended that the pool couldn't be repaired in time for this summer. This has lead to much media and community debate about the future of this pool. A local group "save the Olinda pool" has been established and also created a Facebook site which I encourage people to visit. Especially locals even if you don't go to the pool and comment about your thoughts.

We must ensure there is open and respectful communication on this issue as I am aware that this pool has a lot of history, as do all other community pools that are this age. No defamatory or accusations of any "conspiracy" will be tolerated.

I want to ensure all community members are heard and given the right to speak so please feel free to use this blog for comments and ideas, it would be welcomed!  I have seen the benefits of both community pools that have survived extinction and those which have been revitalised into other types of water activities.

The fire resource issue is important to remember but rest assured that Olinda will still have access to water for fire fighting if the pool was to go, that is guaranteed!

Pools are costly to run as we all know, but the cost to good physical, mental, and social health is immeasurable, having lived in small communities in the past, I do see the attraction. On the flip side, I would ask questions about the cost of running such a pool where there are approx. 2000 visitors a year and a running cost of $60K/yr so on average costing rate payers $30 per visitor? (2010 comments on pool opening Leader press). Maybe we need to look alternatives or other ideas on how this pool or this site could be viable?  I'm all ears!

Cr Jason Callanan


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