Councillor goals coming to fruition - Efficiency Savings

Im proud to announce tonight at our council meeting agenda item 7.4 Yarra Ranges Council Quarterly Finance report. One of the promises I was elected on was to reduce waste and ask for efficiency savings. Below is a number of efficiency saving that council officers have done and commend their hard work and look forward to more in the future!

  • Road Maintenance contract savings
  • Election fine income
  • Savings on loan interest
  • Internal Audit re-tender
  • Fuel Savings through more efficient rostering (aged & disability)
Whole of organisation
  • Decrease in Executive Assistants (CEO to zero, Planning & S&ED down by 1.5 EFT)
Corporate Services
  • Council - reduction of 2.5 EFT in councillor support (from 6.0 EFT's to 3.5)
  • Liaison with People & Culture providers to negotiate better rates
Social and Economic Development
  • Youth Services - restructure - reduced of Band 7 posts
  • S&ED Admin - reduction in 1.3 EFT Band Admin Staff
Environment and Engineering
  • Competitive tendering of construction projects seeking best value
  • Competitive quotation of projects utilising annual supply tendered rates
  • Centralisation of the leasing and licensing functions
And there is a lot more planned which all of us are eager to see!


Olinda Pool Update #5

The Engineers report has been submitted and will be reported to council very soon, along with the plans for a community consultation. I know many of you in Olinda have been frustrated by the lack of "urgency" but please let me assure you officers have been working on this as a priority. To the point officers were on the phone every 2nd day to the engineers to get that report!

I will be interested in seeing what the report says. Can I please ask all of you to look towards the future and consider what "else" you would like to see at this pool. I understand the history of this pool and I am fully aware of what has and hasn't been done to this pool to where it is today.

The consultation process which has always been planned within the aquatic strategy and now is the time to start.

I will try to keep you informed about what is happening as soon as I do!


Warby Mountain Bike Study!

WARBURTON MOUNTAIN BIKE STUDY - Council is keen to see what the community thinks. Please make a submission.
The draft report is available until 5pm Friday 10 July.
Send your submissions to Recreation Services at or contact 1300 368 333 for more information.


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