Council Meeting 10th May 2016
At tonight's Ordinary Council meeting we will be recommending:
- the Draft 2013-2017 Council Plan(2016 Update) incorporated with this resolution and initialled by the Mayor for identification, be the Council Plan and Strategic Resource Plan prepared by Council for the purpose of Sections 125 and 126 of the Local Government Act 1989.
- The draft 2016-2017 budget incorporated with the resolution and initialled by the Mayor for identification, be the budget prepared by Council for the purpose of Section 127 of the Local Government Act 1989.
- The draft Long Term Financial Plan 2016-2017 to 2025-2026 (including the draft Capital Expenditure Program 2016-17-2025-2026) incorporated with the resolution and initialled by the Mayor for identification, be the 10 year LTFP and the 10 year CEP prepared by Council as part of the 2016-2017 Budget process.
- The Chief Executive Officer be authorised to:
- Give public notice of the draft Council Plan, Budget, Capital Expenditure Program, and Long Term Financial Plan in accordance with Section129 of the Local Government Act 1989
- Make available for public inspection the information required.