
6 Lot Subdivision Silvan - Refused - Too much for a rural setting

At tonights Council meeting I requested an alternate motion to refuse the application for a 6 lot subdivision in Silvan. This subdivision is just too much for this area and is not in keeping with the zone its in! Least Change.

7.1 Planning Application YR-2014/1122 - 215-219 Monbulk Road (Ca PTCA 123J) Silvan - Six Lot Subdivision, Alteration to Access to a RDZ1 and Associated Vegetation Removal


That Council resolve to refuse Planning Application YR-2014/1122 for a six lot subdivision, alteration of access to a RDZ1 and associated vegetation removal at 215-219 Monbulk Road (Ca PTCA 123J) Silvan and issue a Notice of Refusal on the following grounds:
  1. The proposed subdivision is contrary to the purpose of the Neighbourhood Residential Zone Schedule 3 which seeks to limit opportunities for increased residential development, and ensure that outcomes reflect the surrounding neighbourhood character. The creation of 6 lots fails to recognise that this site is identified within the schedule to the zone as being an area of least change.
  2. The proposal fails to recognise the localised nature of Haynes Street and the current low level of traffic accessibility that it provides. As such the increased traffic resultant from this proposal will adversely impact on the amenity of the properties within Haynes Street area. 
  3. The proposed subdivision fails to address Clause 56.06-4 Neighbourhood street network objective of the Yarra Ranges Planning Scheme to provide for direct, safe and easy movement through and between neighbourhoods for pedestrians, cyclists, public transport and other motor vehicles using the neighbourhood street network. 
  4. The proposed subdivision does not recognise and conserve the visual sensitivity of surrounding residential areas and as such fails to achieve objective 2 of Schedule 1 to the Significant Landscape Overlay. 
  5. The proposed subdivision does not ensure future development is at a scale consistent with the unique character of the foothills and rural townships and enhances neighbourhood character as defined in the associated Significant Landscape Overlay in accordance with the Design objectives of Schedule 5 of the Design and Development Overlay. 


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