Rate Capping One Step Closer!
21 October 2015
Sent to MAV Representatives, CEOs, Cr Support Officers and CEO PAs
Dear Colleague
BREAKING NEWS: Rate Cap Legislation Second Reading
Yesterday the Local Government Amendment (Fair Go Rates) Bill 2015 was introduced to the Victorian Parliament and the second reading speech has just occurred this morning.
Yesterday the Local Government Amendment (Fair Go Rates) Bill 2015 was introduced to the Victorian Parliament and the second reading speech has just occurred this morning.
The introduction of the legislation follows several days of rate capping media releases issued by the Victorian Government, which I responded to with this statement yesterday.
The Bill proposes that the Minister will determine the rate cap amount each December, while the Essential Services Commission will be responsible for greater oversight of council spending, ensuring compliance with the rate cap and managing the variation process.
The Bill proposes that the Minister will determine the rate cap amount each December, while the Essential Services Commission will be responsible for greater oversight of council spending, ensuring compliance with the rate cap and managing the variation process.
The Minister’s media release and the Essential Services Commission’s final report to Government on the rate capping and variation framework have been published online this morning.
We have collected hard copies of the documents from Parliament and will be back to you later in the day with further details about the proposed rate cap model.
Warm regards
Bill McArthur | President | Municipal Association of Victoria
Level 12, 60 Collins Street, Melbourne Vic 3000
GPO Box 4326, Melbourne Vic 3001
T 03 9667 5502 | F 03 9667 5550