I met with VicRoads officers at the intersection of Hunter and Monbulk Roads, Mt Evelyn along with a senior traffic/roads officer from council to discuss the need for further safety measures on this bend and the intersection. I have had many calls from residents who use Hunter road and their concerns getting out of that intersection. Also I spoke about the need for safety railing along the sweeping bend coming from Mt Evelyn on Monbulk Road where tragically a young girl lost her life. VicRoads have considered that there is no need for any safety rail. I had to disagree and further meetings with the Minister of Road Safety and a Petition of more than 300 signatures was handed to State MP Christine Fyffe to be tabled in Parliament is currently underway.
VicRoads officers did say that they would look into signage and possible road shoulder improvements could be envisaged for the short term. I am still committed to getting some form of barrier at this bend. I do not want to see another life taken or seriously injured at this site!!
Watch this space!