Nature Strip Landscaping Policy to be reviewed!

At the last council meeting no the 10th of February I presented an alternate motion to defer the Nature Strip Landscaping Policy's release for public comment as I thought the proposed policy was very restrictive, didn't cover aspects that I hear from my community! I found there were even restrictions on what colour your bark chips could be. There were potential risk of fines for people who place Christmas lights on trees outside there homes! Another big factor was parking on nature strips, if you live in a new residential street that is narrow, some have no option but to park on the nature strip because if they parked on the road, it would block any vehicle trying to pass! Now if a fire truck, ambulance or rubbish truck needed to get past it couldn't! I want to see this changed! Many councils allow parking on the nature strip why can't we? Im looking for common sense, Im looking for community's to show some passion about where they live and display it, I want to give our residents some ability to manage this space!
If you have any ideas, please let me know!!