
Planning Advice?


Yarra Ranges receives on average 2000 planning permit applications per year.

Application types range from urban development, dwellings in rural areas, vegetation removal and
tourism uses.

More than 75% of planning permit applications require further information to be provided after they
have been lodged.

Most applications are advertised by sending a notice to neighbouring properties and putting a sign
on the site. If people object to the proposal often a consultation meeting is held to try and find ways
to address their concerns.

Many applications need to be sent to other external authorities (eg Yarra Valley Water, Country Fire
Authority, VicRoads) so they can review the proposal.

The majority of applications are approved, although many include permit conditions requiring
changes to be made.

On average, a planning permit application will take around 2 months to process if we don’t need any
more information but around 4 months if we need to ask for further information before we can fully
assess your application.

More complex applications can take between 6 - 12 months before a decision is made.

Some applications need to be considered by the Council at a formal meeting, particularly major
projects and applications that have received lots of objections or have a significant environmental

My advice is to make an appointment to come in and sit down with a planner to go through your proposal!


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