Yarra Ranges Cr Samantha Dunn - State MP!

I wish to congratulate Cr Samantha Dunn for winning a seat in the Upper House in this years state Election. Even though my time has been short here at Yarra Ranges Council, I have experienced Sam's professionalism, tenacity, and passion to her constituents in the Ward of Lyster. Good luck Sam, hope your time here has been memorable and look forward to continuing working with you in the future!


Olinda Pool - Project Action Group #1

Some people may be thinking "what is happening with the pool?" Well my successful motion to have the pool reopened for 2014-15 Summer season is well underway. Even though you may not see much happening at the site, I can assure you much work is happening behind the scenes.

Council has set up a "Project Action Group" with representatives of council and community members. I welcome Janine, James, and Sue who will represent the community on this group. Along with myself we have staff from the recreational and building areas of council, who have experienced much of the history of the Olinda Pool.

All on this committee are excited to get behind this project and ensure we can move forward to reopen this pool! There is much to do and all of us were given a brief explanation of the complexities of this project.

I will also link any news from council on this project here and also link the Olinda Pool's Facebook here.

Stay tuned!!
Cr Jason Callanan - Chandler Ward


See what Jason is up to!

Cr Jason Callanan would like you to join his page and blog spot, this is where you can see what Jason is up to, contact him or comment on issues you have!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/councillorjasoncallanan

Blog: http://crjasoncallanan.blogspot.com.au


Cr Maria Mcarthy Elected Mayor and Cr Jason Callanan Deputy Mayor

I take pride in announcing Cr Mcarthy has been elected Mayor of the Yarra Ranges Council for the next year! I will be right by her side, supporting her any way I can! I proud to be part of the leadership team and will look forward to working alongside Mayor Mcarthy!


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