My first 170 days!
Well, what a roller coaster ride I have had since becoming a councillor! To start off was a number of high profile council meetings to throw you straight into it! Since then the last few meetings have been very quite!
Many of you may not know what I have been up to so I shall try and give you a bit of a run down of what I have been doing in front and behind the scenes!
I have been trying to meet with many of my local constituents to get a sense of what we really want in our ward, and so far the biggest issues have been, Roads, Zoning, and ah oh yea ROADS! Chandler ward has a large number of unsealed roads and this is going to be my biggest task to try and upgrade our network over the next few years.
Some of you have already contacted me about your road and I have been meeting with Council Officers to try and see what we can do. The Special Charge Scheme is a great way to get your road sealed, this scheme sees the residents paying a portion of the works and the larger percentage the council picks up. Once the road is built, no more money is needed by the residences to pay for maintenance that is now the responsibility of the council. This scheme could see the value of residences increase dramatically, not to mention "no more dust and corrugation!! "
Another project I am looking at is the intersection sealing program which council has. Although this doesn't fix the dust on the dirt roads, it's a start, with sealing of intersections where dirt meets bitumen. For some this is all that is needed, and we could get saround 10 intersections done instead of approx 1km of sealed road.
Our budget is being produced and we are looking at the rates and how we can make it a little less of a burden on all of us, we want to make rate increases the same for the next four years and try and lower them if we can. Now this means some cost savings need to be made in order for this to happen. So we are in the process of looking at ALL areas where we can make some efficiencies. Still have a long way to go so watch this space!
We have made a clear direction to respond to the survey that was recently distributed to all constituents, and from that we have made a rapid change in direction, our intention is to try and redirect an extra 1 MILLION dollars to improve and/or extend our footpath network. So all you Chandler Ward folks, if you have an idea for a footpath, get in fast because this money will go quick!
Councillors have a Ward Fund where we can contribute to community groups and individuals projects to improve our local community. So far I have given just a bit over $8000.00 to these groups
- Monbulk College
- Mountain District Car and Bike Show
- Monbulk Community Quilt Show
- Macclesfeiled Pony Club
- Animal Aid
- Wandin Football & Netball Club
- Rotary Club of Wandin
- Melbourne Breast Cancer Bra Walk
- Golden Memories Karaoke
- Wandin Nth Primary School
- Melb Support Services
- Inner Wheel Club of Wandin
- Oxfam Australia
- Seville Pre-School
- Monbulk Jnr Football Club
So I still have some funding left, if you know of a community group looking for some assistance let me know!
A bigger and longer issue I am facing is the Planning Scheme HOLD before you start throwing tomatoes at me, let me tell you I am supportive of change, but only if it will enhance our way of living in the yarra ranges!
I have had a number of requests to look at the Green Wedge Zone, as I have many in the ward wanting to change this. Can I say from the outset, as an individual applicant, It would be extremely difficult to get it changed, but if there are many in the same area wanting change, this can be looked at more favourably.
So hopefully my next 170 days will see some big news come out regarding our budget, strategic plan, and infrastructure in the yarra ranges! Keep me informed of whats happening out there!
Bye for now! "join me on facebook and twitter!"